At St Mary’s College, our students are active participants in their learning. They are empowered to think and act for themselves and explore aspects of their learning that ignite their passions to become lifelong learners.


We believe that great teachers equal great teaching. Our teachers are transformative. They place students at the centre of their professional lives, engaging with professional learning and strategic priorities around improving student outcomes. Our teachers use high-impact strategies and strive for a close connection with parents and students. They make the most of our flexible learning spaces, resources and technologies. Our teachers challenge and inspire students, valuing the inherent dignity and worth of every student.

AITSL Standards

Professional Learning Framework


Students learn best when their social and emotional needs are met, when they engage academically and emotionally in their learning.

We build academic resilience within our students, whereby every student has the opportunity to thrive from the choices they make, so that a culture of challenge and achievement develops and students become independent, hope filled, animated learners.

Students are supported to apply consistency of effort when pursuing personal learning goals, so that the achievement of personal best in all aspects of learning is valued, celebrated and encouraged.

Our students are empowered and inspired to thrive in the modern world through their personal development, academic achievement and acquisition of 21st century skills. They are committed to the common good, to justice and solidarity, as global citizens.


At St Mary’s College, every year of schooling is important to us. Each year has its own unique purpose and a dynamic curriculum designed to engage, excite, educate and challenge students to achieve their personal best.


The transition from primary into secondary school is an exciting experience. Moving up to Year 7 comes with a change to a more independent level of learning with new friends, new subjects and new learning environments like science labs and workshops.

To assist this important transition Year 7 students at St Mary’s College begin with us long before their first day of school. In the months leading up to Year 7, the students are invited to a Saturday Fun Club over consecutive weekends in October and November. Students engage in a range of activities including sport, team building activities, games, science experiments and music. This is a unique program which has a lasting impact on our students.

Our mentoring program between Year 10 and Year 7 students helps develop a sense of connectedness and belonging. This program provides our younger students with encouragement, friendship, support and guidance from an older student on campus. Junior students are also connected to other year levels through House activities and the House trophy competition.



English; Digital Technologies; Health and Physical Education; Humanities; LOTE - Italian; Mathematics; Religious Education; Science


Arts - 2D Studio, 3D Studio; Communication Design; Digital Studio

Design Technologies - Food Technology; Jewellery; Textiles; Woodwork

Music/Performing Arts - Dance, Drama, Music


The Year 8 program inspires students to become independent, collaborative learners. Their participation in a contemporary educational environment and engagement with cross-curricular work through project-based learning allows each CHILD to identify their individual strengths and interests.

The Year 8 program builds on the strong foundation commenced in Year 7 and continues the emphasis on making connections between learning and developing high level skills. Students undertake studies from the core areas of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, and the Humanities.

Studies in Italian are also offered and the students complete outcomes in both the Creative and Performing Arts, undertaking work across the range of Arts disciplines including Music, Art, Food Technology, Textiles, Visual Communication and Design, Woodwork and Drama.

In Year 8, St Mary’s College students learn the skill of working in teams. Far greater than old fashioned ‘group work’, Year 8 students embrace larger scale project-based activities and learn about personal accountability, how to lead others and the importance of capitalising on one another’s strengths.

The Year 8 program focuses on building particular learning capacities which support student learning and achievement. These include the ability to: be resourceful learners, show perseverance and resilience when facing new concepts and developing new understandings, undertake reflective processes to improve learning, and develop effective interpersonal learning skills which will encourage cooperative work with their peers and with other facilitators in the learning process, such as teachers, community organisations, external experts and presenters.

At the completion of the year students are well prepared to be independent and efficient learners capable of taking up the challenges presented by the Year 9 program while having developed a strong basis for encouraging high academic achievement.

Year 8 STEM
Year 8 STEM Activities



English; Digital Technologies; Health and Physical Education; Humanities; LOTE - Italian; Mathematics; Religious Education; Science


Arts - 2D Studio; 3D Studio; Communication Design; Digital Studio

Design Technologies - Food Technology; Jewellery; Textiles; Woodwork

Music/Performing Art - Dance; Drama; Music


At St Mary’s College, Year 9 is different. We’ve created something unique, a program that engages, empowers and motivates our young people as they enter the critical phase of middle adolescence.

Our Year 9 Nobilitas Program runs separately to the main school. It is an exciting and collaborative learning community that fosters respect, resilience and responsibility through a range of core subjects, interest studies, and community projects.

A dedicated team of Year 9 teaching staff works closely with students in a stimulating learning environment where positive relationships, student voice and real-world thinking are prioritised. Year 9 is about powerful and positive relationships; relationships with one another, relationships with family and community, and most importantly, relationship with self.

Nobilitas Program

Throughout the year, we connect students with the wider community in rich and meaningful ways, working with local councils and community groups, Indigenous groups, voluntary organisations and businesses. Students learn how they can impact the world in practice as responsible and compassionate young people empowered by their ability to make a difference.

The program operates from the Rahilly Centre at our Presentation Campus - the perfect location with flexible learning spaces, modern classrooms, cooking and technologies areas, student gardens and a separate recreational area.

Outdoor Education
Year 9 Outdoor Education



English; Humanities; Mathematics; Religious Education; Science; Wellbeing


Art; Design Technology; Digitech; Environmental Sustainability (Geography); HPE/Drama/Dance; LOTE - Italian; Media; Music


Year 10 students work and collaborate as part of an inclusive, nurturing and challenging learning community to continue to develop their resilience and independence as they prepare for a senior studies pathway.

Students in Year 10 are supported to reflect on their own actions, beliefs and values in order to construct an understanding of what it means to be an active member of society in the 21st century. They are also provided with opportunities to participate in a diverse range of holistic learning experiences that are designed to promote personal growth and contribution to the school and wider community.

Year 10 is a year of choice. Three pathways are on offer: a full Victorian Curriculum Year 10 Pathway, the Edmund Rice Pathway, and the Accelerated Learners Pathway for those wanting to begin a VCE subject in Year 10. Regardless of the pathway selected, Year 10 students are laying the groundwork to make confident, informed decisions when considering senior studies options at the end of Year 10.

Through these pathways, as well as a series of educational opportunities such as work experience and electives, Year 10 students are encouraged to follow their interests, strengths and talents in preparation for their final years at St Mary’s College and life beyond school.



English; Health and Physical Education; Humanities; Mathematics 10A & Year 10 Mathematics; Religion & Society Unit 1; Science


Art; Drama; Food Technology; Geography; Italian; Media; Music; Sport Science; Textiles; VET Outdoor Education; Visual Communication Design; Woodwork


The senior years are years to excel. With smaller class sizes, a diverse subject offering and a flexible approach to senior studies, our specialist teachers move into ‘facilitator mode’ and look to accentuate the learning style of each student in order to maximise outcomes.

In our modern, purpose-built Senior Study Centre, VCE, VCAL, and VET studies are available for our students so that they can develop an individualised learning program, and experience their own brand of success. At the start of Year 12, we often say ‘this is your year’ as students work towards university entry, a trade pathway, a traineeship or employment. Every student is known and cared for in their journey at St Mary's College.

St Mary’s College provides a carefully and seamlessly integrated Senior Pathways Program for our students in Years 11 and 12. The College is committed to ensuring that our students are motivated and focused on not only what they learn but also on who they are as lifelong learners. The Senior School focus continues to build and develop self-confidence in our young people. From this platform, working toward their personal best becomes an appealing and achievable goal.

Along with the achievement of the accreditation that comes with the completion of secondary schooling, the St Mary’s College senior program places a focus on who our students are becoming and looks to equip them with the tools to continue their learning and to be mindful of themselves and others both in their immediate and wider relationships and communities. The program looks to develop engaged, resilient young people who are challenged to serve as global citizens.


English - English; English as an Additional Language; Literature

Business and Economics - Accounting; Business Management; Economics; Legal Studies

Digital Technology - Applied Computing

Health and PE - Health & Human Development; Physical Education

Humanities - History 20th Century; Politics; Religion & Society

Languages - Italian; Japanese (other languages offered through VSL)

Mathematics - General Mathematics; Mathematics Methods; Specialist Mathematics

Performing Arts - Music Performance; Theatre Studies

Science - Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Psychology

Technologies - Product Design & Technology

Visual Arts - Art; Media; Studio Art; Visual Communication Design

All Yr. 11 students will complete Unit 2, Religion & Society


English - English; English as an Additional Language; Literature

Business and Economics - Business Management; Economics; Legal Studies

Digital Technology - Data Analytics

Health and PE - Health & Human Development; Physical Education

Humanities - History Revolutions

Languages - Italian; Japanese (other languages offered through VSL)

Mathematics - Further Mathematics; Mathematics Methods; Specialist Mathematics

Performing Arts - Music Performance

Science - Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Psychology

Technologies - Product Design & Technology

Visual Arts - Art; Media; Studio Art; Visual Communication Design

All Yr. 12 students will choose between school based RE units or Units3/4 Religion & Society


Intermediate - Literacy; Numeracy; Work Related Skills; Personal Development Skills; Unit 1 Religion & Society; Enrichment; VET (Full range of courses available through Registered Training Providers); Work Placement

Senior - Literacy; Numeracy; Work Related Skills; Personal Development Skills; Unit 1 Religion & Society; Enrichment; VET (Full range of courses available through Registered Training Providers); Work Placement

VM students also have the option of integrating VCE subject(s) toward their VCAL award.

Talk & Tour Mornings

Join us for a 90-minute Talk and Tour morning at St Mary's College! Experience our vibrant school community firsthand with guided tours led by our enthusiastic student ambassadors. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore our facilities, learn about our programs, and get a feel for student life at St Mary's College. You'll also have the chance to meet our Principal, Mr. Darren Atkinson, and ask any questions you may have about our school.

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you all that St Mary's College has to offer!

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