The term career incorporates everything we do in life – what we learn through participating in cultural activities, work experience, education, parenting, sports and hobbies, voluntary and paid employment. A successful career depends on how we manage all the contributing experiences and opportunities. The Careers Development Program at St Mary’s College enables students to recognise the importance of all the skills, talents, experiences and influences that contribute to career fulfilment.

At St Mary’s College, students develop the critical skills most valued by employers: communication, creative problem solving, analytical thinking and collaboration. These skills are essential preparation for the future of each of our students as they face a rapidly changing world and will need to navigate a new work mindset where flexibility is the key.

Through the Careers Development experiences provided by the College, students learn to value the full range of their experiences and to manage their learning, careers research and work into the future. Students engage in our Work Experience Program and may choose to undertake work placements and vocational studies.

Careers Development skills are integrated into the curriculum from Years 7 to 12. By secondary school, young people are constantly making decisions about their future in the context of their learning – what they enjoy or are good at, how they like to work and learn, what subjects they will choose, what part-time job they might seek, and what educational opportunities are available when they finish school. We provide opportunities for students to reflect on all these issues, to raise their aspirations and to broaden their outlook and options , all whilst learning to make sound decisions.

Students at St Mary’s College have access to careers counselling with our qualified and experienced Careers Practitioner. Parents are welcome in these discussions. Parents and students can access the St Mary’s College Careers website to find the latest job and course information. We also have an onsite Careers Centre, with all the resources that students might need to research the full range of careers, employment, labour market trends, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, University and VET qualifications.

For more information about our Careers Services, please send us an email.

Talk & Tour Mornings

Join us for a 90-minute Talk and Tour morning at St Mary's College! Experience our vibrant school community firsthand with guided tours led by our enthusiastic student ambassadors. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore our facilities, learn about our programs, and get a feel for student life at St Mary's College. You'll also have the chance to meet our Principal, Mr. Darren Atkinson, and ask any questions you may have about our school.

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you all that St Mary's College has to offer!

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